Sunday 8 July 2012

Exercise - Diagonals

f/8  1/640  ISO-400
f/9  1/80  ISO-640
f/9  1/80  ISO-125
f/8  1/40  ISO-160

A few examples of diagonals in the book I'm currently reading, Charlotte Cotton - The photograph as Contemporary Art:
1) Page 50 - Jeff Wall, Insomnia, 1994
Diagonals are created by the positioning of the table, chairs and even the body on the floor.  Also, the viewpoint creates diagonals on the edges of the oven.
2) Page 155 - Yang Yong, Fancy In Tunnel, 2003
The angle of view to the wall has created many diagonals along the lines of tiles and the edges with the floor and ceiling.
3) Page 180 - Allan Sekula, Conclusion of Search for the Disabled and Drifting Sailboat 'Happy Ending', 1993-2000
The middle and bottom images both make use of a high viewpoint looking down to make strong vertical lines from beams.

The use of diagonals can be seen widely used in the work of Henrie-Carier Bresson.  In Palais-Royal, Paris, France, 1959* a series of diagonal lines in the form of tree tops, windows and balconies flow from the bottom left of the frame to the top.  Extra interest is added, with the help of perfect timing, to capture the figure walking through the gap towards the bottom left and several more distant figures in the background.  The diagonals in this image are created by perspective.
*Clair, J / Cartier-Bresson, H. (1999). First edition.  London, Thames and Hudson Ltd.


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